Seasons für LS19

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Download Mod: Seasons für LS19

Version: Final

- Fix buying of animals at the dealer with a trailer.

- Fix multiplayer data for animal gestation.
- Fix weeds growing at incorrect times with wrong temperatures. [#578]
- Slightly reduced number of weeds, lowered soil temperature for weeds to mature. [#579]
- Added options for weed scale and crop damage scale. [#480]
- Store animal health in livestock trailers so it does not reset when moving animals.
- Improved rain probability on 3day seasons.

- Added American Spanish translation.
- Fix for some rotting bales when they should not rot.
- Performance improvements.

- Console release.
- Grass growth has been updated to fix second-year growth.
- New animal screen in the Seasons menu with more details. Old screen has been removed.
- Animals now have a name (number) so you can identify them easier.
- Fixes for some special cases with maps and other mods.
- Fix for massive amounts of snow in special case.
- Fixes for the weather generation freezing gameplay.
- Improved weather generation.
- Added snow contracts (need map support).
- Improved helper AI.
- Fixed crop rotation effects.

- Fix for maps causing crashes: no crash but map still won’t work due to engine limitations until it’s updated by the map author.
- Fix issue where growth conflicts with basegame.
- Fixed economy history.
- Fixed issue with drought damage on new saves.
- Fixed issues in weather generation and weather forecast that could cause lag.
- Fixed the snow melting and falling. Snow toggle now removes all snow too.
- Improve grass system.
- Improved animal balancing and information.
- Improved building and US/DE map Seasons masks
. - New and improved translations.
- Many more small and big fixed and improvements. See the release notes.

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